
Screenshot of wiki-pour webpage
Wiki Pour

A CMS-style wiki where users can view, add and rate cocktail recipes created by other users on the site. The app follows MVC paradigm in it's architectural structure, using Handlebars.js as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM and express-session npm package for authentication.

Screenshot of Movie Roulette Page
Movie Roulette

A browser-based application that takes in user input and suggests a movie based on that input. It displays the title, an overview of the movie and a trailer for the user to watch. The application also allows the user to rate, take notes and save the moveis they have watched, adding it to a watched movies list. It was built using JavaScript and two API's.

Screenshot of weather dashboard page
Weather Dashboard

A Weather Dashboard App that allows the user to enter a city, and displays that city's current and future weather conditions. The cities entered are then displayed on a search list so the user can easily search them again.

Screenshot of daily planner webpage
Day Planner

A Day Planner that allows users to input tasks for the work day. It was built using JQuery and the Luxon Library. It also takes advantage of the users local storage to store tasks.